

I think it's so ironic that we talked about time management today in class. I am so behind right now, it's just getting harder and harder to catch up. 2 chapters in World Civ. and Biology, almost an entire book behind in Ministry. Could it get any worse? Yeah it could, but still. So that's gonna be my goal for this weekend, to catch up... with reading. 

On to my real post, I've doing a lot of reading on prayer this week (yes I should have already done most of this reading last week, but let's not judge). Today I came across an odd passage in the book "Working the Angles," by Eugene H. Peterson. He says about beginning events with prayer, 

"... the irony in all this is that by putting prayer in the apparent first place we contribute to its actual diminishment. By uttering a prayer to 'get things started' we legitimize and bless a thin and callow secularism- everyone is now free to get his or her own way without thinking about God any more. 'That at least is out of the way; now we can get to the important things...We have pleased God with our piety and are free to get on with the things that concern us." 

I've talked to my mom about this before, and she actually got quite angry with me (because I went about telling her the wrong way). So I'll tell the story, one day my family and I were about to eat dinner, and my mother asked me if I would pray for the food. 
I said, "No I don't really want to."
She asked, "Why not?"
"Because it wont be genuine," I said. 
She then proceeded to get very angry about not wanting to thank God for our food, and such. But the thing is, I wasn't about to change my mind. We are talking about praying to the Almighty here. The Name above all Names... all that jazz. I wasn't going to chance my talk with Him not being true, or real. I have a reason, for me I need time to stop and think about what I'm going to do, I need to center my mind, so my only thoughts are about God. There is a God up there that smite-ed Ananias and Saphira because of a lie, I'm not going to say a little cupcake prayer. I will thank God, when I mean it, not because it's tradition. 

I realize this was a horrible time to bring this up, but I feel like we take so much away from prayer by just saying..."rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub Amen." So I'm going to work on it, because thanking God for our food is something we need to do. There are so many people that have absolutely no food, or less than I eat in a meal for the week, but in that same regard, I want to be really thankful, otherwise I'm a liar. And we all know what Revelation 21:8 says...



I need a "pick me up."

Ugh, I'm not even 3 weeks through the second semester yet, and I could already use a break. I'm so tired (there's a logical reason for that), I get almost nothing done. I'm not really sure if I'm homesick or not, but I could seriously do with a hug from my mom right now. This year has already been so hard, and my relationship with God is suffering from the busyness. Now is the time to turn to Him. I know that it is weird that I am using this blog as an interior monologue of how to fix myself, but it's the only way to fix it. I've never been one to worry or dwell on problems, but right now I can just see it all slipping. So here is my prayer, it's from Psalm 90:12.

             Teach us to number our days aright, 
     that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

In my eyes this verse is just saying that we need to get our priorities right, if we do then we will gain wisdom. Hopefully wisdom is what I need to get through this. Regardless, there is only one person who I can fully rely on to make this happen, God. So I'm going attempt to be "humble in spirit" here, it's not something I do very well, but I know that I can't do this on my own, so that is the only way. God I'm giving it up to you... I need you.  


We have too much.

I don't know how we got this way. I'm not trying to be a self-righteous soap box type here, but I'm trying to figure out how i justified a lot of things in my life. I'm sitting at my desk, with a $2000 computer, a $250 Wii, and $1500 worth of guitars right next to me. That is $3750 that I or my parents have spent on me. I did some research, and found out that 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day ( that's $3650 dollars a year)*. That is less than one semester of my college, way less. Less than the amount of stuff I have sitting in front of me. I feel like I'm robbing people of what is rightfully theirs, food and clean water. 

I think we as Americans need to take a huge initiative to help the poor of the world, including myself. It will be hard for me considering I have no income right now, but when/if I do get a job, I don't think I'm going to give it the church I currently attend. I think I'm going to start going downtown and eating with some homeless dudes. I don't see why not, my church has plenty of money, they don't need some college kids help. The homeless could use it. Is anyone willing to join me? I'd rather not venture down there alone, with money. I love America, but I think that the American dream is killing us. There isn't enough resources for everyone to have everything they want. I don't know how to fix this problem, but I'm going to give it my all to try. 

I know I switched from the poverty stricken people in 3rd world countries, but I would much rather see my work, than send it to some organization, when it's a small amount. That's it I'm done, off the soap box for now.


* http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats



So today was just an ever so normal Thursday. I went to class. I was tired, and then I helped demolish a car. It was so fun. So today in class we were talking about how people have the least to complain about when they are actually doing something. I want to expound on this, I think the reason it is hard for people to complain in that situation is because they are actually doing something. There are so many people who complain about stuff (myself included) and never do anything about it. So I guess there are two things you can say about this, if you are involved you either are working to fix it, or know that it can't get any better. I'm just "spitballing" here, saying some of my thoughts. So I guess what I'm trying to say is: if you think that there is something wrong with church, get out there and fix it. I need to do this so much more, that's a huge problem that I have. 



New President

Today is a big day, for America and for me. This is the first President that I have actually had a part in electing. Although I'm still unsure of my decision, hopefully Mr. Obama will show us that he is prepared to help our country as much as possible. There are many things to be done, and I hope that President Obama will follow God with his decisions, and help our nation flourish once again. There are a few things that are bothering me about this election and they involve the people that did and did not vote for him, here they are. 

I'm tired of this being about "race." I know that sounds calloused, but let me explain. There are so many people saying that this is a milestone for African-Americans, and regardless of whether it is or not, should it be about that? I think that trying to make a milestone for race should never be the goal, it should be voting for the most capable man to lead our country. That was my goal, and hopefully for everyone that was, but the media is putting a wrong spin on the whole inauguration. Race, is not the reason he was elected, so let's let his own qualities and policies speak for him. Obama is a great man, and hopefully from now on, race will no longer be a problem. He has a long road ahead of him to fix the problems we have, hopefully Mr. President Barack Obama can keep his promises, and get America back on it's feet. 

On the other side, there are all the people that did not vote for our newly sworn in President. I'm tired of the "we lost" mentality. America got what it voted for, and now regardless of how you feel, you need to support the United States. Keyword "United." Put aside, your views on politics, and allow him to lead. As Christians, we have to pray for him, support him, and hope that God will guide him. He is President, he is going to be there for awhile, so put it in God's hands, and let God show President Obama where to go. 

We have just begun a new era in our history, we are living it. Votes are irrelevant now, we do not have to go through this headache of a year for awhile, and hopefully next time, we will be in a much better shape than we are now. American Christians need to trust God, that Obama will do what needs to be done to set us on the right foot. We need to gather together, and hope that this President will do the things he promised us. Prayers are needed, and hopefully President Barack Obama wont tell us, but show us he is willing and capable to lead The United States of America. 

These are just my honest thoughts, please don't take any of them personally. 




I think buying books is probably the biggest hassle/most frustrating thing in the entire school process. Before Classes started i thought i would need a book for one class, when i got to that particular class, the professor said we didn't need a book. Then another class i believed we didn't need any books, turns out we need five. Then i ordered the wrong world civ. book. I feel used, stupid, and more stupid-er. This has nothing to do with my blog, i just wanted to vent. 



My First Blog

Hey everyone, here I am for my first Blog. If you are reading this I am guessing that you are either a professor, friend, or family member. I'm going to start by saying that my grammar will be horrible, because I have always be awful at it (sorry Mrs. Story). This blog is sort of an experiment (aren't they always), for my Intro to Ministry class. Sometimes it might be funny, but mostly it will contain some sort of spiritual thoughts or reflections. My goal is to stay true to the last statement. It's not going to necessarily be good, but hopefully it will be a blessing in my life, because as long as it effects one person, it will be worth it. 

Love, Andy.