
One man's rambles, another man's treasure?

So I've let this thing die, my blog I mean. October was a long time ago, and lots of things have happened since. I'm not longer in Europe. I've finished my Sophomore year of college, and I am 4 days from beginning my summer internship at Levy Church of Christ. I am 20 years old, and the more I learn, the more I realize I know nothing (I didn't make up that quote!). I will most likely regret what I write here years from now, but I also know, that I have a chance that I may say something good.

I've noticed for a while now, that when I feel passionate about something, I have the ability (whether good or bad) to speak about the topic until I'm exhausted. I need an outlet for this (because I know my parents and girlfriend are always in the mood to hear a rant, sermon, or speech). I was just reading a blog--a response to someone else's blog. It got to the point that it was so wordy and dense that I decided it wasn't worth reading anymore. So here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to blog, whenever I feel necessary, for as long as feel I need. I don't care about correct grammar so much (I just got a "C" in Comp II), but I do care about the context of what I am saying (I got an "A" in O.T. Exegesis and Hermeneutics, go me!). I doubt I will get to the point that my blogs will be too long to read. I also doubt that anyone will read them at all.

Here goes nothing.

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