
Intramural Soccer

So tonight my intramural soccer team had our first game. We got slaughtered, 11-1, but it was so much fun. Now on to the point of all this. Sitting here in my post game soreness, I figured something out. This may sound cheesy or lame, but I'm going to say it anyway. 
I am sore. Why am I sore? Because I'm not in shape. What could I have done for this not to happen? I could have ran ahead of time, and prepared myself physically for the game. Now Spiritually. Why do we feel like we are so drained sometimes? I think it's because we don't practice Spiritual Disciplines. I try to pray every MWF, and I try to have some Contemplative Meditation every T and TR. I just began the later, and I'm not so good at it yet, but I've been told it just takes time. The point is, Spiritually I have never felt stronger, because I talk to God almost everyday. It's a growing process, and I hope that after I master Contemplative Prayer, I hope to add a Saturday ritual. I strongly recommend that if you don't have a Prayer Journal or personal time with God, please try. He's there He's waiting and HE wants to here from you. If you have any questions on how to begin, please ask me, via Facebook, or email. God is good, even if times are bad. 

Psalm 90:11 (NLT)
"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, 
so that we may grow in wisdom."


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